Strategic Acts of


We are on a mission to help ordinary people experience extraordinary life in Jesus. During Made for More here are a few ways you can share the transformative power of kindness through strategic acts all throughout Mississauga and the Greater Toronto Area.
In the Bible, we often read stories about the miracles Jesus performed. There are 37 of them recorded in the New Testament. Stories of Jesus turning water into wine, driving out evil spirits, and healing the afflicted. When reading these stories, sometimes we can get caught up in the act of the miracle itself. Like how Jesus walked on water, calmed raging seas, and multiplied a simple meal to feed 5,000 people. Don’t get me wrong. These miraculous acts do deserve our attention. But don’t overlook the other lessons in these stories.

While each of these stories has its specific lesson, they all showcase the kindness of Jesus. Ephesians 4:32 says, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” As Christians, God has called us to love one another as He loves us (John 13:34). We encourage you to embrace the same kindness and share it with your world. And, what better time to do this than the New Year?
Here are a few things you can do to spread His love:

1. Leave a simple note of encouragement on a random car in a parking lot.
2. Gift a married couple some music over iTunes.
3. Help a neighbour with yard work.
4. Take dinner to an overwhelmed mother. Write her a note about how you notice how hard she is working and what a fantastic job she is doing raising those angels.
5. Let your parents or someone special know how much you love and appreciate them by
giving them a call or sending them a card.
6. Donate books to your local library.
7. Give the gift of time. Put down your phone and computer and spend time with your
8. Gather cans of food to take to a local food pantry.
9. Leave a big bottle of laundry detergent at a laundromat.
10. Help a new mom by running errands, cooking a meal, buying a gift, or sharing encouraging words.
11. Bring coffee or tea to your coworkers.
12. Leave a gas card at the pump or pay for someone’s gas.
13. Surprise a stranger. Purchase a five-dollar gift card from the grocery store. Then, stand in front of the store and give it to someone walking in.
14. Provide a meal for someone homeless.
15. Smile at ten strangers (if you are not wearing a mask).
16. Choose to forgive someone you’ve been angry with.
17. Buy a life-changing book for a friend.
18. Be a door-holding champ. Hold open every door you possibly can for people.
19. Take cookies or a special treat to your local fire or police department.
20. Fast food and fast generosity. Go through a drive-through.
Pay for the person behind you.
21. Re-gift an unused gift card by leaving it on someone’s windshield.
22. Invite five people to attend our weekend Worship Experience.
23. Do an early morning prayer walk around your neighbourhood.
24. Help someone with their job search.
25. Be generous with your words—compliment five people today.
26. Go old-school. Handwrite a note of encouragement to someone you know.
27. Print a picture of your city and place it somewhere in your home, reminding you that his eyes are forever watching.