
Hello family!

2022 was one of the most significant years for my family and our church. I will continue to give Him all of the glory for what He has done and stay expectant for what is to come. As we enter 2023, we are giving Him priority in prayer, praise, and seeking His presence above all else. I encourage you to do the same. Enter into this year with thanksgiving, magnify Him, and make your petitions known to the One who holds it all in His hands. Sarah and I pray for you to know God's richest blessings and fullness of joy as we cross over into this New Year! We are made for more! 




At Extraordinary Church, we have declared 2023 the year of "Others." "...The most important commandment is this: 'Listen, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only Lord. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.' The second is equally important: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' No other commandment is greater than these." (Mark 12:29-31 NLT)

Through the years, Kingdom advancement and revivals often come after a period of brokenness. During seasons of difficulty, the Church is awakened, and hearts are postured to pursue a vital and vibrant relationship with God that has a local, regional, national, and global effect.

These times restore the strength of the Church, and supernatural experiences, healings, and a great hunger and passion have marked us. Expectantly and unanimously, we declare that we will take the focus off of ourselves and place them on Him and others so that what's happening in Heaven is happening here in the Greater Toronto Hamilton Area.

The following 40 days have been set aside as our "Made For More" season, where we intentionally quiet down the calendar and commit ourselves to Him and others.

Made For More is 40 days of fasting and prayer devoted and dedicated to the pursuit of God's presence, hearing His voice and surrendering to His will and purpose for our lives.

It is both a personal pursuit and a corporate commitment of our church to set aside this time annually and honour God with the "first" of the New Year.

Matthew 6:33, Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

We are committing ourselves to experience, embracing, and living revival.
Revival is not just a church experience; it's a life experience. As you fast and pray and prepare for Made For More, believe with all of your heart that God will strengthen you for His Kingdom purpose. Why? Because we did not come to fear this day but to shape it.

The Kingdom of God is here!