Day Twenty-Three: What Does It Mean To Experience More?

Most people, especially believers, understand the idea that God's eternal life is nothing but good. However, many would have difficulty understanding what it means to possess eternal life. The beloved disciple, John, has made it clear - eternal life is experiencing the New Birth and following Jesus. Yes, you read that right! That's it! It's that simple. When we repent of our sins, experience the New Birth, and commit to a life dedicated to knowing Him, we step into the inheritance of eternal life. 

But there's MORE! It is from the gift of eternal life that we possess abundant life here on earth! Abundant life is the only kind of life that Jesus has designed for us to live while alive here on earth, and Jesus came for both our eternal life and our abundant life. 

From this place of understanding, we can possess and live MORE. As we determine in our minds and hearts to follow and to know Jesus, His precious Holy Spirit, through the scriptures, illuminates all the things necessary to experience the more we've been made for. The Bible teaches us God's heart, His ways, and His mind. The Word of God has also shown us, through the gospels, the life of Jesus, which was the abundant life personified. As we obey and apply the Word, we begin to partake in and live out MORE for ourselves! Lastly, as we seek to know the Lord more intimately and obediently, His Holy Spirit will aid us in our pursuit and show us/convict us of those things that are not of God and His abundant life. Each day we must yield to the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit and let the anointing "teach us all things" (1 John 2:27) about the abundant life in Christ. 

As we do these things, not only will we be assured of our eternal life and abundant life in Christ, we will begin to be conformed to the image of our Lord (Romans 8:29) in all that we think, say and do. We will have and live out MORE! 

PRAYER: Father, I thank You for eternal life and abundant life. Lord, I desire to possess eternal and abundant life and live it out here on earth. Through Your Spirit, teach me how to know You more and live this life. Sanctify me; make me more like you! In Jesus' Name. Amen.