Day Nineteen: Say Yes To Freedom

"…wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 2 Corinthians 3:17

Have you ever wondered what it was like to be free? To live life unrestricted and with no boundaries? I'm sure at some point we've all pondered, "Oh, to be free to/from…". Most of the time, we look at freedom through the lens of a physical, tangible situation. But what happens when God makes us aware of our spiritual condition and need for true freedom?

In Galatians 5:1, Paul wrote, "it is for freedom that Christ has set us free," and Jesus reminds us that He came to this earth to give us life and that life to the overflow. He came so that we can have freedom and life beyond the mundane. A life full of joy, peace, and purpose!

God has given us an open door and calls us to pursue Him at another level. So, we must make up our minds to practice His presence at all costs. That means allowing Him to shine His light in our lives. The very deep places we would try to hide from Him and allow Him to bring freedom to those areas. Our natural tendency is to protect those areas because of their possible pain. But when we remember that we are made righteous by Jesus' work at the cross, we are free to live in the grace and mercy of His finished work.

DECLARATION/PRAYER: Father, as I seek you at a greater level, shine your light into my life. Show me the areas that need to be addressed and fill me fresh with Your Holy Spirit so that I can live freely in your finished work and help others find freedom, in Jesus' name, amen.