Day Ten: Say Yes To Generosity

"He shall be like a tree, planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper." Psalm 1:3 (KJV)

The first chapter of the book of Psalms gives us an incredible perspective into the necessity of living a life built on and around God's word. And while it does not directly deal with giving or generosity, hidden inside this text, we find Biblical insight and imagery of what happens to a seed that finds its way to the bank of a river. We all know that in the past year at EC we have truly lived in the "river" of God's presence and revival. As we continue to experience that river of God in 2023, I believe it is necessary to observe the importance of ensuring our seed is planted by the river.

The first thing we note is that the seed planted by the river has grown into a tree. Showing us that if we can plant our seed by the river, not only will it grow, but it will grow into something with the characteristics of a tree; steady, reliable, and unshakable. In 2023 I want my finances, my home, and my life to not only grow, but I want each to be strong. Therefore, I must get my seed to the bank of God's river.

The next thing we see is that this tree bears fruit every season and its leaves do not wither. The ability to constantly produce fruit is not a natural characteristic of trees, which tells us seed that finds its way to the bank of God's river provides consistent and constant provision. I do not know what 2023 will hold for any of us, but I know that if I can get my seed next to God's river, the provision in my life will be consistent and constant.

Finally, we see a simple phrase 'they prosper in all they do.' Those who can get their seed to the bank of God's river prosper in all they do. This means God's promise is not to prosper you in one area of your life and not another but rather in all you do. In this next year, I believe God's desire for us is to prosper in our homes, marriages, relationships, walk with Him, finances, and all we do.

DECLARATION/PRAYER: Jesus, in 2023 I am saying Yes to Generosity because I believe that as I say yes to You and get my seed next to Your river, everything I do will grow steady and unshakable, I will receive consistent and constant provision, and I will prosper in every area of my life, in Jesus' name. Amen.